Team Organization Stuff
The donation, volunteer & carpool links are posted on our site
For carpool, remember to get cleared through be-a-mentor (including the TB clearance that is new this year) - note: our first away game is Tuesday 27th, one week away!
For the SRV play day on Saturday 25, please just drive your kid to the game - we will not organize a formal carpool
From Sharon: The schedule for the week
Tuesday - JV 4-5:30, V 5:15-7
Wednesday - JV/V 3:30-5 (if you have a 6th period, just come to field ASAP after school)
If soccer wins -
Thursday - JV/V 5:15-7
Friday - JV/V 5:15-7
If both soccer teams lose -
Thursday - JV 4-5:30, V 5:15-7
Friday - JV 4-5:30, V 5:15-7
Saturday: SRV JV/V Playday, times TBA