Welcome back from Spring Break. I am sure you already saw Sharon's email with the schedule for the week, but if you haven't, I copied it below as a FYI. A few parent-focused updates from me:
Photos: I received the photos from Bay Sports Photography over break - Izzy will bring them to practice today to distribute
Carpool: Friday night's game at Foothill is only for Varsity. I will cancel the JV sign-up & reach out to the Varsity drivers separately on logistics. (Varsity parents - if your daughter is NOT coming to the game, let me know so I can plan accordingly!)
Boathouse Jackets: Still waiting for Order #1 to show up at my house... hopefully this week!
Thanks! Amy ** Monday- Practice
5:00-6:30- Varsity
6:00-7:30- JV/Frosh-Soph
Tuesday-Home Game vs. Granada
5:30 JV (4:30 arrival)
7:00 Varsity
Wednesday- Practice
5:00-6:30- Varsity
6:00-7:30- JV/Frosh-Soph
Thursday- Practice
5:00-6:30 Varsity
6:00-7:30 JV/Frosh-Soph
Friday- Away Game Vs. Foothill
7:00 Varsity Only (6:00 arrival)
No Practice JV/Frosh-Soph